Minggu, 18 Juli 2021

2nd week Intermediate Phase GIGIH Program (12-18 July 2021)

 after a long time haven't used this platform and..... 

picture [1] yes bro/sis, I'm back

So I’ve been joining the Generasi Gigih Program Held by YABB. on this second week, we got the material tutored from professionals about analyses, statistics, and analyses document

picture [2] no, not the kind of analysis that our friend in math major did

For analyses, the purpose of this section is to produce business decisions. What should we do when we are facing uncertain conditions like should we choose city A, city B, City C to penetrate our new product? our product didn’t penetrate very well, what should we do with it, leave it or push it? The analysis is used to produce solutions that solve these problems, through gathering and processing the data, so we can get insight to support business decision making. In this meeting, we got the method and plotted how to do the analysis. I still grasp the material very well

Now here another beast it is …………..(drum roll)...............................................

picture[3] yeah, but don't worry, we didn't study the whole book

    One of the tutors said that statistics is a derivation from math 1 (or calculus 1), this means I should preview the material again. I already knew and grasped a few concepts. The challenge here is to apply the statistics for business cases (which is a new thing for me). We also dig deeper on a statistical test (like p-value, t square, etc) 

picture [4] one of my lecturers say "lupa itu ngak papa, nanti belajar lagi/ that oke if you forget the material, what important is you could relearn again"

The last subject this week for Data Analytic Track is Analysis documentation. This is very useful so you can tell other people I already work and you just need to show the documentation to make other people believe it. Unfortunately, not everyone is from the same field as yours, like managers or stakeholders who understand business cases better. So you need to change your language from data analyst lingo to business owner terms and language. Like how many customers grow per month? how much the utility and maintenance cost etc. I can catch up with the essence but one of the challenges is you have to think abstract first to produce something that is relevant to the problem we are facing, like problem statements.

Wherever you work (tech-company, oil and gas, finance, etc) you gotta face raw data and you have to extract useful insight to support business decisions and action. This week's material is about analysis, statistics, and analysis documentation (which I also did while I was in college for my final project), but what distinguishes this program experience and in my university final year is that this program focuses more on tech-company business problems. The understanding of these basics can improve your business acumen and also help your company to become better.

And all of the assignments are related to business problems that are faced by tech companies like right now we are learning to document our work-study for this week. Up until now the degree of difficulty is still acceptable (not too easy and not too hard). Up until now, I still enjoy this program.

image sources :

[1]    :    https://dailysuperheroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Or-maybe-not.png
[2]     :   https://preview.redd.it/plb5uzza1d821.jpg?auto=webp&s=c46a9f61fc033fb9f4e4dbe01ead307647e726ad

[3]    :    https://images.springer.com/sgw/books/medium/9783319461601.jpg

[4]    :    documentation meme - Google Search

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2020

Cities (and place) in Gospel Mark, Luke, and John

Gospel mark
  • Capernaum.
Capernaum first mentioned in the bible in matthew 4:13. currently it is located in Israel an the condition is ruin
  • Judea
  • Jerusalem
  • Jericho
  • Betania
  • Galilee
Gospel of luke
  • Nazareth
  • Bethlehem 
  • Judea
  • gennesaret lake (currently : sea of galilee)
  • Nein (verse 7)
  • Jerash (Verse 8)
  • Bethsaida
  • Samaria
  • Jericho
  • Emmaus
Gospel of John
  • Betania
  • Galilee
  • Kafar Kanna
  • Capernaum 
  • Jerusalem
  • Judea (Verse 3)
  • Sikhar in Samaria (Verse 4)
  • Tiberias lake (alson know as sea of galilee)
  • Ephraim (Verse 11)
  • Kidron Valley (Verse 17)

Minggu, 26 Juli 2020

The lesson from "the parable of talent" Matthew chapter 25

  • all small things matter 
there is many example that small mistake can change the condition like  :

permainan basket selisih 2 poin kalah final. padahal dalam 1 pertandingan bisa nyetak 100 poin, masa nyetak 2 poin lagi nggak bisa?
Michael jordan jordan GIF - Find on GIFER[1]

semifinal UCL as roma vs liverpool, nainggolan salah passing, diambil firmino dan salah menyetak gol
 Radja Nainggolan apologises to Roma fans for error in Champions ...[2]

alkitab berkata  di 1 Korintus 9:26: Sebab itu aku tidak berlari tanpa tujuan  dan aku bukan petinju yang sembarangan saja memukul.

aku nggak keterima di program studi karena salah kirim file, diminta scan berkas kesanggupan menjalankan program malah kirim scan-scan sertifikat menang lomba. (astaga...)

-orang yang dapat reward adalah orang yang bekerja. meskipun bekerja belum tentu dapat reward, tapi orang yang dapat reward pasti orang yang bekerja. apakah orang yang melipatgandakan 2 talenta dan 5 talenta harus diberikah upah dengan jumlah yang sama ?

- bagi orang dunia semakin punya bayak uang semakin sejahtera. uang adalah alat penukar barang, uang=barang. jadi kalau mau sejahtera harus meningkatkan kuantitas (2 menjadi 2, dan 5 menjadi 5) barang atau kualitas barang (dengan kata lain ya bekerja)
contoh kalau jadi pelajar jangan hanya ngerjain 10 soal matematika, coba tingkatkan jadi 20, 50 atau 100 soal (meningkatkan kuantitas) kalau jadi pedagang mie ayam jangan hanya jadi pedagang mie ayam biasa, coba sehari jual 100 mangkok mie ayam (kuantitas) atau sehari jual 10 mangkok mie ayam, per mangkok harganya 1 juta pakai daging sapi wagyu dan minyak truffle sama foie gras (kualitas)

practice does not make you perfect, practice make you better
quality comes from quantity quote by paulus bambang

sumber :
[1] https://i.gifer.com/AWL1.gif
[2] https://www.goal.com/en/news/nainggolan-apologises-to-roma-fans-for-error-in-champions-league-/16yyvnz2safy214td3sn43911x

Kamis, 06 Februari 2020

saran untuk maba Jurusan Teknik

1. belajar bahasa inggris  hampir semua Textbook yang digunakan adalah buku yang berbahasa inggris. Jurnal dalam ranah teknik pun sebagian besar bahasa inggris

2. mengetahui alpabet Yunani , karena alphabet yunani sering digunakan sebagai simbol-simbol dalam persamaan fisika, minimal kita bisa mengetahui pengucapannya agar bisa ngomong dan bertanya kepada dosen dikelas

3. memahami konsep, bukan mengingat. mengingat adalah tingkatan terendah dalam belajar. untuk mahasiswa sudah sebaiknya level belajarnya ia mengerti dan memahami konsep. efek tambahan lainnya dari banyak membaca ialah banyak referensi untuk menulis. jika kita banyak membaca maka kita bisa banyak menulis, jika sudah banyak membaca tapi nggak bisa menulis berarti anda tidak paham apa yang anda baca (ini quote dosen saya). semakin banyak membaca, kitu juga bisa ensitesis metode/solusi yang baru.

4. mempelajari dasar ilmu-ilmu Matematika Fisika Kimia dan Komputer. Ingat , teknologi itu adalah multidisiplin ilmu, tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Matematika dan Komputer (maksudnya ilmu pemograman ) sudah digunakan untuk mendesain dan merancang sebuah sistem yang optimal.
sudah pernah coba hitung perkalian 2  matrix 7x7 pake tangan ? Tugas akhir teman saya matrix nya 50 x 50.
 pada ilmu mesin dan material, ilmu fisika dan kima bersama-sama digunakan. saya menyadari hal ini karena setelah merenungkan pada skala atom, sulit sekali menetukan sebuah fenomena digolongkan menjadi kajian ilmu fisika atau kajian ilmu kimia.

5. bila ingin menguasai sebuah buku, mulailah dari mempelajari index.  buka halamn paling belakang , index dibaca. kemudian cari tau apa arti dari setiap istilah yang tercantum pada index.

 Book Index - YouTube
contoh index buku. source : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KmtXSFg1TSA/hqdefault.jpg

sekian itu saja dulu saran dari saya, bila ada tambahan akan segera saya cantum disini

Sabtu, 24 November 2012


Past perfect tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an Action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed of finished certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to Express an Action or an event that had happened before that other event or actionhappened.

Formula of Verbal Sentence:
(+) SUBJECT + HAD + V3
(- ) SUBJECT + HAD + NOT + V3
(? ) HAD + SUBJECT + V3?

+ She had put my book on the table last nigth.
- She had not put my book on the table last night.
? Had she put my book on the table last night?

Formula of Nominal Sentence

+ I had been there when the accident hapenned.
- I had not been Three when the accident hapenned.
? Had had been there when the accident hapenned?

I had = I’d
You had = You’d
We had = We’d
They had = they’d
He had = he’d
She had = She’d
It had = It’d 


Basic form
Subject + WAS/WERE + Verb (continuous form)

Quick examples

  • The man was singing.
  • was resting in the garden when it started to rain.
We usually use the Past Continuous to talk about activities that lasted for some time in the past. The actions can be interruped by something or can be happening at the same time. 


  1. Duration in the past 
  2. Interrupted actions in progress
  3. Actions in progress at the same time in the past
  4. Irritation
  5. Polite question
1. I was watching TV yesterday in the evening.

2. I was talking with James when the telephone rang.
3.When Bob was painting windows, Mary was working in the kitchen.
4. I was thinking you might help me with this problem.
5. She was always coming late for dinner!


Past Tense
Past tense is to tell the events or incidents at the past time.
Past tense is used :

* When the speaker thinks of an activity or state as occurred and complete at a specific time in the past
* For a non-fact in the present or future time.This is traditionally called the” subjunctive mood “.

Example : If I had the money now,I’d buy a plane

* To refer a single event on the past

Example : I called Mary last night.

* The past habitual action.

Example : We went to school together,and we shared many experiences

The Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense is kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened already in a certain time in the past.
Adverbs used: yesterday,last night ,last week,two days ago,a few minutes ago,last weekend ,last month ,last years,in 1984,etc

* Simple past for regular verbs is added by- ed to the root of a word.

Example : She worked at the office yesterday.

* A negation is produced by adding did not and the verb in its infinitive form.

Example : She did not work at the office yesterday.
Question sentence are started with did as in Did she work at the office yesterday ?
There are two pattern of Simple Past Tense :
1.( + ) Subject + verb II + complement
( - ) Subject + did not + verb I + complement
( ? ) Did + subject + verb I ?
2. ( + ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + Object
( – ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + Not + Object
( ? ) To be ( was/ were ) + Subject + Object ?

Past Continuonus Tense

Past Continuonus Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an event or an action which was happening in a certain in the past.
As with the present tense,the continuous aspect that the activity is in progress ,or that it is uncompleted ,at the specified time.
The Pattern :
( + ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + verb – ing + complement
( - ) Subject + was not / were not + verb- ing + complement
( ? ) Was/were + subject + verb-ing + complement ?

Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed or finished till certain or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened.
The Pattern :
( + ) Subject + had + verb III + complement
( – ) Subject + had not + verb III + complement
( ? ) Had + subject + verb III + complement ?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is like the past perfect tense ,but it expresses longer actions in the past.
The Pattern :
( + ) Subject + Had + been + verb –ing + complement
( - ) Subject + Had + not + been + verb-ing + complement
( ? ) Had + subject + been + verb –ing + complement ?